Friday, March 8, 2013

Editing the Parts added to a Spec

To edit a parts added to a spec, select it from the spec sheet and choose the Edit Parts button; the Edit Parts dialog box will be displayed, as shown in Figure.

The Edit Parts dialog box contains the Parts list tab and the Edit Properties tab. The options in these tabs are discussed next.    

Part List tab
This tab consists of a table which displays the properties of the parts. You can modify the display of part properties by using the options in the Display drop-down list. You can choose to display catalog properties, added properties, or all properties.

The Remove From Spec column in the table consists of check boxes which are used to remove the parts from the spec.

The Hide parts marked “Remove from Spec” check box is selected by default. When you clear this check box, the parts which are not included in the selected group will be displayed. The properties of these parts are read only. You can clear the check boxes to include them into the spec file.

Edit Properties tab
You can add properties to the selected part using the options in this tab. Figure shows the options in the Edit Properties tab. The Property definition area contains the options which are used to define a new property. The Add Property to drop-down list in this area is used to choose whether to add the property to the current part or to all parts.

The Added properties list box displays the newly added properties. The Add button below this list box is used to add the properties defined in the Property definition area. The Add button will be active only after filling all edit boxes in the Property definition area. You can remove the newly added properties by selecting them from the Added properties list box and choosing the Remove button. Choose the OK button to accept the changes and close the Edit Parts dialog box.

Adding parts to the Spec Sheet

You can add parts from a catalog to a newly created spec or an existing spec. For example, to add a pipe of size ranging from 3” to 10”, select Pipe from the Part category drop-down list  of the Common Filters area in the Catalog Browser, refer to Figure.

Set the size range using the From and To drop-down lists in the Size range group; pipes under the specified range will be displayed in the table. Select a pipe from the table and enter the property values (Material, Material Code and Schedule) in the options available in the Property overrides area, refer to Figure. Next, select the Apply property overrides to parts added to spec check box and choose the Add to Spec button; the pipe group will be added to the spec sheet. Similarly, you can add fittings that you want to use when routing a pipe. Also, you can add multiple parts by loading multiple catalogs using the Catalog drop-down list.

To remove a part from a spec, select the part from the Spec Sheet  area and choose the Remove from Spec button; the part will be removed from the spec sheet.